Hypermotard 698 Mono

Live. Play. Ride.

#WeAreDucati #WeRideAsOne #LetsRideAsOne #DucatiHK #DucatistiWorldGathering #DucatiAsiaPacific #DucatiAPAC

We Ride As One 地區性嘅Ducati Ride

Ducati 廠方公佈 World Ducati Week (WDW) 今年回歸喇,並將於本年度7月22至24日係意大利嘅聖馬利諾賽道啟動。
而5月7日將定為 Let’s Ride As One 地區性嘅Ducati Ride,為WDW 作熱身。
歡迎各位擁有Ducati 嘅車主一齊係當日騎住你嘅Ducati ,為即將舉行嘅WDW 打氣。當日除咗我哋香港嘅Ducati騎士係馬路騎行,其他國家都會係同一日進行騎行活動,心靈上大家都係以Ducati 連繫住架❤️
由於我哋香港受到疫情同限聚令嘅限制,我哋騎行活動未能以巡遊形式進行,但我哋都會以心繫Ducati 去參與。
World Ducati Week (WDW) is coming back! And finally awaits us all from 22nd to 24th July at the Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli.
On May 7th, all Ducati Dealers around the world will have a day dedicated to the community and to being together, to beating your heart, to Warming Up before the big day WDW. We are inviting every Ducatisti in Hong Kong to get on your Ducati and join the Warm Up Day. The spirit connects every Ducatisti around the World❤️
As the Pandemic makes the restriction, we cannot do any parading on the day, but we connect our spirit to have our own ride.
For more details of the big day May 7th, please keep an eye on our Facebook/ IG. It will be announced shortly. Thank you❤️
#WeAreDucati #WeRideAsOne #LetsRideAsOne #DucatiHK #DucatistiWorldGathering #DucatiAsiaPacific #DucatiAPAC

Ducati 自駕遊

由香港帶著自己的愛駒到世界各地旅遊,與一群志同道合的車友,一起享受著Ducati 的熱情,帶給你難忘的回憶。

Ducati Riding Experience (DRE)

DRE 是杜卡迪駕駛學院(Ducati Riding Experience)的簡稱,主要是幫助 DUCATI 車主透過系統性的課程有效的提升駕駛技術,除了熟悉操控讓騎士更容易享受騎乘樂趣外,更重要的是指導騎士面對危險時的閃避技巧,從而提升騎車時的安全性。

地區性Ducati Ride ~ We Ride As One ~

Ducati 廠方公佈 World Ducati Week (WDW) 今年回歸喇,並將於本年度7月22至24日係意大利嘅聖馬利諾賽道啟動。
而5月7日將定為 Let’s Ride As One 地區性嘅Ducati Ride,為WDW 作熱身。
歡迎各位擁有Ducati 嘅車主一齊係當日騎住你嘅Ducati ,為即將舉行嘅WDW 打氣。當日除咗我哋香港嘅Ducati騎士係馬路騎行,其他國家都會係同一日進行騎行活動,心靈上大家都係以Ducati 連繫住架❤️
由於我哋香港受到疫情同限聚令嘅限制,我哋騎行活動未能以巡遊形式進行,但我哋都會以心繫Ducati 去參與。
World Ducati Week (WDW) is coming back! And finally awaits us all from 22nd to 24th July at the Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli.
On May 7th, all Ducati Dealers around the world will have a day dedicated to the community and to being together, to beating your heart, to Warming Up before the big day WDW. We are inviting every Ducatisti in Hong Kong to get on your Ducati and join the Warm Up Day. The spirit connects every Ducatisti around the World❤️
As the Pandemic makes the restriction, we cannot do any parading on the day, but we connect our spirit to have our own ride.
For more details of the big day May 7th, please keep an eye on our Facebook/ IG. It will be announced shortly. Thank you❤️
#WeAreDucati #WeRideAsOne #LetsRideAsOne #DucatiHK #DucatistiWorldGathering #DucatiAsiaPacific #DucatiAPAC

#WeAreDucati #WeRideAsOne #LetsRideAsOne #DucatiHK #DucatistiWorldGathering #DucatiAsiaPacific #DucatiAPAC


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